Friday 12 September 2008

A Rant about Prague

There is a lot to like about Prague, it is just a shame that there are so many god damn Czech people here that dont give a shit about foreigners.
The hostel gave out crap directions of how to get there,
the taxi drivers had no idea where the place was, when i did get there he had no change,
when we tried to check in the hostel receptionist was gone for over 2 hours,
when i went to grab a meal the restaurant had no change,
when i tried to use the internet cafe they charged me extra as i wasnt a member of their club,
when i tried to get a different hotel it was fully booked, the gogobar hawkers try to entice me in even when i had a huge rucksack on my back,
when i tried to get a massage the place was fully booked,
when i did finally manage to find an internet place and try to get a standby room they said that it was too late to book for today and so i had better try direct,
the bus stops do not have big enough maps to see where you are,
when i finally managed to get a room it was a lot of money for a tiny triangular bedroom,
the wifi name and code the receptionist gave me was wrong,
the laundry service was only available first thing in the mornings,
the mini bar only stocked coke and kitkats and the tv only had 5 channels.
I could go on, but I really dont want to give off to much of a negative image on what I have seen is a warm, beautiful, cheap and historical city trying to drag itself into the twenty first century.
Basically I had a really naff start, I'm hot, thirsty, pissed off, tired, lonely, broker than I had planned and I just hope that things improve in the morning, cos so far this place is making Dresden look good and THAT'S scary !!!

1 comment:

  1. Now I am doubly glad that I skipped out on staying in Prague and only passed through there in one day!! I was sick of cities by that point and stayed in a small town instead. Unfortunately my czech experience with being a foreigner was similar, even in a small town.

    Such a beautiful country though! I have many beautiful pics, even though not many memories of friendly peeps.

    I'm enjoying reading about your travels now that I'm back to the 'real world'. Keep em coming!!
