Wednesday 17 September 2008

Apparently I am taking the wet weather with me

Sodding typical. I have just done a weather forecast for Vienna, Zurich, Bern and Geneva, and I cannot belieave that even my luck is this bad.
According to the latest charts and forecasts each city is in glorious sunshine the days before and the days after I arrive but during my stay it is either foggy, overcast, slightly raining or heavily rain througout my stay.
Considering that it was pouring in Amsterdam, wet in Dusseldorf, Berlin and even started to rain on the last day of my trip to Prague I am beginning to feel as if mother nature is testing me and no wonder that I have the startings of a mild case of trench foot.
All in all it will have been raining in 7 of the 8 cities that I have visited up to the end of Switzerland if this trend continues, but I will not be beaten by a little bit of water. If I am meant to give up this trip then I am expecting somethig like Hurricane Ike to come after me.

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