Sunday, 22 March 2009

Google Analytics and other Ramblings

Out of curiosity I opened the date range on my blog analytics to see who has been reading it since I first started travelling.
Over 40% of my traffic was directed (not via a random search ) only 40% were repeat readers, it has been viewed in 96 countries from around the world and specifically in 48 states of the USA, however finally more than 60% of all hits was from UK based. Finally there was an most frequent rate of 10 hits per day.
Maybe not world shattering figures, but fairly impressive none the less, especially as the travel blog is all about me and my experiences and not just name dropping for the sake of raising awareness, though maybe I should do a little more of that in the future ?!?
I also noticed the other day that I had reached the end of my T-shirt, meaning that of the 80 or so cities that I originally planned to visit, ending with Beijing, have now been passed and so I am truly and officially on my way back home.
On the road I decided that I could not hang around long enough to sort out a visa for Russia, although now that I am here in Beijing I probably could, and so arranged a few flights to hop back to blighty via Delhi, Dubai, Cairo and these are all that I have left to visit.
It has been an absolutely amazing adventure, despite the frequent showers, I have met some wonderful people, some friendly people and a few that now hold a special place in my life and always will come what may.
I am not sure how best to write up the book when I return, with a part of me wants to make it into a fictional fantasy storybook for kids, but I know that I need it to have some sort of edge if it is going to be snapped up by a publication house.
If my efforts fail to impress the powers that be, then I will go self publishing, at least for this one book, and so the only thing I am realy worried about screwing up is the dedication page, I want it to mean something and let those who form a part of it know without ruining their public anonimity which I have up til now done my darnest to maintain.
Something along the lines of a simple "to those who I met and made me feel especially welcome in distant shores a big thanks and you know who you are" doesn't quite seem to cut the mustard for me but still it might be the best way to phrase it.

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