Friday 11 August 2006

Mess at Stansted Airport

My trip to Belfast has now officially begun and I am far from having a smooth run.
Stansted Airport is a complete mess in terms of people and understanding.
Do not believe any of the rot that the press are putting out in that flights are not being cancelled and the average passenger is quite happy with the last minute increase in security.
There are queues of people in every direction, some looping around and others of no more than a few people.
Noone knows what is going on and I am sure that the shops are having a terrible day as noone wants to buy anything before gong to security.
I saw a man asked to hand in a bar of chocolate that was of the smallest size you can bu singular and i hated that the guard simply said "its ok, you can buy another one of the other side".
That isn't the point though - they should not be taking them away in the first place.
I arrived into Stansted on the second earliest train from London, it being the first that was letting on passengers from Bishop Stortford which is where my sister has just recently moved to.
There are more people here awating to book into their flight than I have ever seen before at any airport at any time.
This whole thing is just totally insane, but then when isn't government legistlation a complete work of lunacy.
What makes me laugh is that I am typing this from within the main terminal so as it is a totally unsecured line, with keystroke programs, they now have access to pretty much everything I will ever do online or do officially again.
Not bad eh ... even the more ignorant monkey can now access my emails, and from there get into lord knows what else.
NOT that I am a sceptic or paranoid in any way, but then as the old saying goes "just because your paranoid if does not mean they are not out to get you" - great Navana track that.
I am going to try and add a babelfish link to my blog now, so that I can start posting stuff in Spanish ( when I get a bit better ) and also so that anyone else can easily try their hand at translating it and / or correcting my spelling and punctuation.
Less than an hour to go now, so it wont be long.
So long and thanks for all the fish...

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