Sunday 27 August 2006

Hostel Guests

During my first full day in Oslo I have already mentioned that I found a good many places that I would want if I was ever to stay in a city for along time.
Although I had not visited the many museums and galleries I did get to see where they were, and took a few photos from the outsides. The thing that impressed me a lot was the large amount of water features the city displayed. Certainly many cities had water fountains but this city seemed to have them at every other corner or junction and of vary varying design.
However none had the simple yet fascinating feature that Singapore had, where timed jets of water would be shot up into the air to cross each other and occasionally would hit their opposing jets and fall majestic to the ground.
The film that I was watched in the cinema was "Miami Vice" a rather good effort and a flick I could watch more than once, if enough time had passed between viewings.
When I returned to my hostel room I entered to see that it was full with other guests all sitting on bunk beds chatting with each other and when I walked towards my own bunk one of the girls I had noticed before stood up and said in a half mocking tone that I snored very loudly and had woke her up halfway through the night.
There was nothing I could really say to this, apart from apologising and then introduced myself to the other roommates. The girls were in their mid twenties from Poland and the guys were of the same age but from France.
For some reason the language that they were all speaking in was English, which goes further to suggest that regardless of other countries disliked for it, they had all learned English and chose freely to speak it here together, even before I was present in the room.
For over an hour we chatted about humour, languages, travels and Oslo, as well as that no one else seemed to know that there was another airport slightly further away but still within reach of Oslo if you didn't mind the long coach journey.
When we discussed the various attractions of Norway it was suggested to me that instead of staying in Oslo for my entire weekend, that I should travel to Bergen on a 7 hour trip that took me high into the mountains and across the fjords.
This way not only would I see much more of the country, but I would actually get to try some genuine authentic Norwegian food and also that a trip to Norway without the fjords is like a trip to China without the Great Wall! Thus encouraged I have now determined that if I can spend the night over in Bergen today I will come back across the Fjords on Monday and then returning to London on Tuesday morning.
Finally the two guys returned to their party, the girls got ready for an early start tomorrow and I took a shower before venturing off into the night to see what mischief I could get up to next.

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