Saturday, 31 January 2009

First full day in Singapore

After a long nights sleep I was happy to wake up around 7am, grab myself a shower and get ready for the day ahead. I had already received a text from my friends D' & T' so I knew that I would be seing them in a few hours, but that still gave me almost half a day to go for a walk round the hostel and see what I could find. This wasn't my first trip to Singapore, so I was not so completely surrounded by the unknown, but like any large metropolis not only can one area be vastly different from another but also it is almost impossible to see it all, so there were still fresh experiences to discover just around the corner.
One of the best things about Asia is that you are never too far away from a temple, they are almost always very ornately decorated and coloured and they add a calming influence and a balance to whatever area they are located.
Being a Saturday morning I expected things to be open around 9am, but apart from the occasional corner restaurant that opened up for the early morning trade most of the shops were shut til around 10:30am. After the trouble finding something resembling a breakfast for under AUD $12 in Australia it was refreshing and heart warmng to get a bowl full of rice and pork plus a drink for a mere SIN $4.30, and even here I had to remind myself that Singapore was one of the more expensive places in Asia.
True it was not a contiental breakfast and neither was it a flashy unmarket downtown restaurant, but then that just added to its appeal and certanly the customer service was more prompt and smiling, even if the English spoken was thickly accented.
After breakfast I walked around more and came across a massage place, so I decided that this was as good as place as any to get unstiffer, so I went in and for SIN $50 I was able to get an hours massage. The place was cleaning and tidyer on the inside than it appeared on the outside, and the place had both mini lockers for valuables, larger lockers for clothes and several shower cubicles as well as plenty of reclining chairs for you to wait on til a space became free upstairs.
Like most asian massage places I have visited they give you some baggy pants and a shirt to wear, instead of your own tight and thick clothes, so that they can work your budy and muscles without fear of ruining anything and also to get better access to the body if using oil.
The actual massage took place upstairs, on a floor with around thirty flat mattresses on which they fill up from one end to the other, so I guess the masseuses can talk to each other while working. I actually prefer a more private massage room than an open hall style like this, but then perhaps that was why the price was cheaper than I had expected.
The massage was fine, nothing out of the ordinary except she did like to try and strangle me and even managed to crack my neck twice, which even now I am not sure is a good or bad thing. Thankfully after the painful pressure pinches, came the relaxation after and I was almost fully asleep when I felt a draft down one leg and I chanced to open my eyes long enough to see that the massage lady was displaying my body to the other masseuses nearby.
Slighly angered that I should be treated thus, I gave her a very dark look, which she quickly apologised for, but it had totally ruined my mood and the whole experience and so I just woke myself up, excused myself and left to get changed. I was considering complaining, but then what exactly could I say to the management and what would it have achieved, so I just promised myself never to come back here again and to keep my eyes open next time. Its a good job that I am not body shy or else the whole thing could have really upset my mood and put me off massages for along time, whereas now I will just be against going to places where you are not massaged behind closed doors.
Getting dressed I left and returned to my hostel where I would be meeting my friends in less than an hour, which gave me time to check a few things and prepare for an afternoon out. I was not sure where we would go, but I brought along my camera and was in a "yes" mood, meaning that almost any of their suggestions I would say yes to, as having already met them in the past I knew I could rely and trust them.
When we met up it was great to see them again, and quickly we decided to go to Sentosa, which is where much of the tourist stuff for Singapore is located, included the Tiger Tower ( SIN $12 ), a recreation of the Merlion that you can walk inside and climb up, pleasure beaches plus the Images of Singapore ( SIN $10 ) which is where we all wanted to visit.
The Images of Singapore is a cross between a movie theater, a museum and a was works combined with plenty of lifesize scenes displaying the history of the city from its origins, with strong influences of the Malay, Indian, Chinese and European cultures.
It was great to see things like the shadow puppet theatre and the dragon dance costumes as having just missed the Chinese new year, it was unlikely that there would be other festivals here in Singapore than I could go to see these live.
We also took a trip up the Tiger Tower which is Singapores highest view point and is a tall thin tower with a revolving glass disc that travels up and down the central colomn slow enough to get a good view of all around but if you want to take a good picture then you have to follow your target or else it will be slighly blurred, as I learned to my cost.
Around 6pm it started to get a little dark so we grabbed a bite to eat and then I said goodnight to them as I had plans to make for tomorrow and they too had only just arrived back today in Singapore and I did not want them to get home too exhausted.
The MRT is a very cheap and efficient way of getting around the city and I got back to my hostel in good time although sadly missing sunset. I collected my laundry from the hostel owner, thanked her and then went to my room where I was sharing it was a couple of just graduated girls from NY, who had just flown up from Australia and were on their way to Tibet to work there for three weeks. As they were tired and had to be up at 6pm the next day, I decided to skip writing my blog for tonight to let them get some uninterrupted rest, want for a walk and then crashed.

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