Saturday, 20 September 2008

Failure to advertise what needs it most

I just want to say a little grumble about hostels that I had not previously noticed, or maybe only in most of the ones that I have stayed in recently.

Personally I have no problems finding restaurants or night clubs in cities, I really don't need a hostel to have over two dozen leaflets and brochures suggesting where I can throw me money at food.

As I have already booked my hostels for the RTW trip, and every time I have entered a hostel on the spur of the moment I have found it to be fully booked up already, so why do I need the hostel I am staying in to have fliers and leaflets about similar hostels in neighbouring cities and countries?

However there seems very little in the way of adverts for local events, organised tours or tour agencies and places of interest that you should go visit with accurate opening times and entrance costs, even better would be a discount voucher or two to ease my way in!

I had sort of expected to turn up at a hostel, find loads of stuff about taxi's, local public transport timetables and local places of interest all laid out on a platter for me, with possibly have some info on other places to stay or where to eat hidden at the back of the reception office, but it would appear that much the opposite is the case.

They all know about the museums and such but far and away the biggest thing they are pushing is restaurants and clubs, probably where they get a tiny kickback if anyone is talkative enough to say who recommended their bistro in the first place.

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