Sunday 24 June 2007

When Your Handed A Lemon...

Just a quickie this time round, but I wanted to share one of my favourite quotes, and this one goes a long way in explaining why I always try to make the best of even a bad situation.
"I'm a great lover of fresh orange juice, but when they hand me lemons hey, I make lemonade"
You see, if your real thirsty and go down to the shops to get some oranges but all you can buy is lemons, you basically got two options :-
a) You could piss and moan and complain that you aint got your orange juice, go thirsty and sooner or later the lemons will go off.
Or b) ... you can shrug your shoulders, think "oh well, it could be worse" then carry on regardless and make a refreshing lemonade to quench your thirst.
My trip to Colombia started off as bas as bad could be - delayed flights, lost luggage, alone in  a strange country and let down by those I thought cared for me, and I could have let this get my head down and think of it as a failure.
But instead, I refused to let it beat me, made a few adjustments to my schedule, went out and got a new suitcase and clothes, still did all the stuff I normally like doing and ensured that when I made it to Medellin and met up with the good folks out there I enjoyed it as much as I could too.
It wasn't what I planned, but I like to think that I made the best of the situation.
So ... when life throws YOU a lemon, make lemonade

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