Sunday 24 June 2007

A Night to Remember in Medellin

So anyway, David who seemed to have appointed himself as my personal guide for the day, said that we were going to have a traditional meal at Paula's Aunties house, but he may as well have said feast. There was nothing lavish, but a huge plate of home made food that tasted as good as anything I've ever tried and even belching there was just too much to eat in one sitting for a small guy like me.

They made a joke about rude guests who left food also left by a window, so after struggling for almost an hour to finish it all, I had to reply that I think I was in need of a parachute or a pair of wings.

After lunch we went to one of the highest parts of Medellin, a place where they had recreated some authentic buildings and were doing their best to make it like a living museum, which was very cool.

There were a few souvenir shops, but they were all tastefully done and without the private hawkers / sellers in the main square made a refreshing change from the usual tourist trap, as did the fact that the legitimate sellers who were their didn't pounce on you the second you came within a potential snaring range.

The view from the place overlooked the city centre, and you could see the plans for the new rail link, the old cathedral and everything in between. I have to say that I was surprised the amount of tall skyscrapers there were in Medellin. Not only do they show that the industry and economy are again higher than I expected, but with all the vast areas of the country undeveloped it strongly suggested at prime city space being of premium value.

Stopping for a cool beer and ice cream we then made our way back down the windy road to the city centre before driving to a cool place for some drinks. At this stage Davids cousin called in a couple of her friends, and if I had trouble keeping my thoughts pure before now it was impossible. Three young, happy, sexy singletons who all were all a bit curious about the new addition to the crowd and who he was { me } was more than enough to put a huge smile on my face { and create a huge something else that I need not go into right now!!! }.

It was the perfect spot for a few drinks, and with prices of three for one of cocktails all day long, a few rounds of drinks for seven only cost me about £30, and it only cost me as this was indeed my round, with them not even trying to take advantage of my "white thus rich" status.

As the night went on, I decided that David's cousins was indeed a true cutie-pie and I could not but hope that I would see her again the next day. However the night wasn't even over yet, and so David suggested we went to a new spot, where the drinks were more expensive but the women even hotter { was that even possible ? }, and of course he was proud to be able to show off even more of his city at the same time.

This was the only truly sad part about the whole trip, for as soon as we got there, for some unknown reason that came as fast as a runaway train, one of David's friends got all up in his face and they came to blows. Maybe it was the alcohol, maybe the heat, maybe just the Latino passionate culture ... maybe even something I had done without realising it, but whatever it was, it came out of the blue and ruined an otherwise perfect day.

So after everyone tried to calm them both down, after about an half hour we called it a night and David drove me back to his place with his cousin. Up to this point, I was due to spend the night with Paula's auntie but the boys were her two sons, so this was impractical and as they speak but a little English and I speak but a little Spanish and David was doing all the driving ... it made sense all round for me to go with him.

Back at David's I was again impressed with the decent furniture, decor and high-fi equipment. He had made a very nice little pad for himself and again showed that a hard worker in Colombia could have as nice a standard of life as a hard worker in the UK.

We stayed up and chatted for a few more hours and he introduced me to his girlfriend, need I say that she too had looks a model would be jealous of, I doubt it! Me and Davids cousin did a bit of a nighttime stroll though the city on our own, which is always something I love to do anyway, while we popped out for more drinks { the local rum is like water to them ... well almost } and then at about 02:00 I had to call it quits.

Up until then my body was still on UK time, which meant that over there I was waking up at 04:00 and going to bed as early as 19:00, but that one night sort of violently shoved my body in Colombian time properly, and it was no more early nights for me after that.

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