Sunday, 15 February 2009

Patpong Night Club in Bangkok, Thailand - ( contains an adult theme )

Not knowing exactly where best to go to see a show I jumped in a taxi and let the young driver talk me into going to a place that he knew, after confirming it with his friend over the cellphone, and in his eagerness to get commission he totally forgot to charge me for the ride, either that or he thought that he would probably catch me on the way out and be able to charge me on top for the waiting time.
I needn't have worried about trying to find a place to do see a show and the clubs and bars all had people with menu style cards trying to drag you into one club or another, so thinking about it I could probably have waited and paid less thn the 700 baht for the show I saw, although I didnt know that at the time and having been hereabouts before I had not spotted them the first time I came.
The club was not that well advertised from the outside, being down a side street right at the end of the main entertainment strip, and upon entering I was given my free drink and then latched onto by one of the bar girls who wanted me to go somewhere private with her and buy her drinks the second I sat down. Needless to say, I had not travelled all this way just to get distracted at the last, so I poliely declined and then sat back to watch the show.
The first thing that I noticed, apart from that there was no cameras or cellphones allowed and each time anyone got a text, call or their display led lit up one of the bouncers would go crazy and start shouting at them to leave the club immediately, was that the place was as full of girls / couples as it was with single men.
I have been in Bangkok for a few days now and although I had seen more female than male tourists up to now, I thought possibly it was that all the men were in the shady areas of the city which left only the women on the restaurants, markets and temples, but even here there were at least ten women I saw around the stage, not in the slightest bit shocked or outraged at what was going on in front of them.
On stage itself, the pattern was pretty much that the performer would get up on stage clad only in a bikini and dance a bit round one of the poles, before she first took her clothes and then proceeded with her act itself. At this stage I didn't plan on staying too long in case I was about to be jumped for a huge waiting fee for the taxi driver, so I figured I would give myself a half hour which would give me enough of a proper taster and if I wanted more then I could stay or if not then I could still get a taxi back to my hotel and be back before midnight.
In order I saw a lesbian couple fondle each other, a man and woman couple having full sex ( done artistically to the music !?! ), a woman smoke cigarrettes and blow a whistle from down below and then what I had been waiting to see, the ping pong ball act where they bounce or drop them into a jug, before moving on to shotting darts at balloons and blowing out party candles on a cake, pulling out razor blades tied to a string ( complete with proof of how sharp they were by slicing a newspaper ) and then the final act that I chose to watch which was pulling out a pair of luminous glow in the dark piece of ribbon ( all done with extra dimmed lights of course ).
I am not sure if I was meant to find it all erotic or not, but after yet another customer got shouted at for answering his phone ( i think they were objecting as many modern phones have cameras built in ) I decided that while it was definelty a new experience and possibly with enough alcohol and money to throw at the bar girls it could be fun, for me the novelty value had worn off and I was ready to leave.
I think part of the unappeal for me was that all the women looked in their late thirties or mid forties and doubtless were not getting paid enough to smile and fake enjoyment of their act, like you see with pretty slim female magicians assistances for example, and so seing how little they enjoyed it actually made me feel less like sticking around and more like getting back to my hotel sooner rather than later.
Under the cover of darkness being the illuminous strings act and with the added diversion of the bouncer having a fit at another customer who made the mistake of answering his phone I made my way to the exit and was very relieved when I made it all the way out and down the road with my former taxi driver pouncing on me, where I made my way back to the main club area and took a brief tour to see what else it had in store.
There were plenty of other places where you could get a massage here, including one that cost 1700 baht for the room and was an all inclusive, but when she said that I didnt have to give the girl any I felt that either the service wouldnt be up to scratch or that once inside the girl would do their best to get a huge tip for doing little or nothing extra, so after the show I had just left leaving me feeling strangely unaroused this was an offer I easily declined.
A few minutes later I got bored of the various club promoters all pawing at me, thrusting their club menus in my face and promising me a minutes free show before having to fok out another 500 plus baht for much the same thing that I just left so I gave up and jumping in a taxi told him to take me back to my hotel, costing no more than 75 baht and in record time too.

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