Monday, 27 October 2008

A different kind of homesick

It is weird to sit here, in my friends house, surrounded by happy smiling people and say that I am still a little bit lonely and homesick, and what is weird is that having been scared and in a panic to get home in Brazil homesick, this isn't even the same kind of homesick.

Perhaps it is looking at all the photos of other peoples family and being so far away from my own, perhaps it is the time difference that means that most of the time when I am awake all my friends are asleep and so out of contact, or maybe it is just that I was not prepared to be away from home for months at a time, or maybe its a little bit of all of them.

It is not a depressive or regretful blackness like the last time, as I am still happy, cheerful and eager to get on the bus bound for the next destination, but there is definetly something small nagging at my ease and comfort, like a thief that has stole the cherry on top of the icing on my cake.

It is hard to find the right words, as I do not want to give the wrong impression and I do not want to cut my trip short and come home by any means, but I am just thinking that perhaps a solo RTW trip would have been better if I had somehow managed to slip in a week each month back in the UK with my family and friends.

I guess I just want the best of everything, the travel, the adventure, the new friends and the comfort of home and my old friends and family, which of course is impossible, but then humans are just breathing wish making machines and so I guess I have got to get used to it.

I have enjoyed my time in Lima and the friends I have made here I feel I will keep or years to come, and I have made a promise to myself that, asuming I am back in the country myself, if they were to ever visit the UK then they would have the best guide that I can be for them for the duration of their visit.

But for now, I have to plan for a new city and a new journey ... ever onward :o)

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