Sunday 22 June 2008

September 1st

Fate often has a way of dealing me what it deems I need, rather than what I would honestly prefer, and when it does it also usually does it in an off hand sort of way as if to say "It's either this or nothing mate, and its a lot more than I give most people, so i'd take it if I were in your shoes!"
And for the most part, I sort of just amble by, doing my bit to make others happy and sort of expecting that life is going the way its meant to ... however ... every now and then I just have to rebel at least a little as if to reply, "oh yeah, well in that case I'm gonna do this as well, just to show that its still my life" .
Now realising that trying to get one up on a pseudo-elemental-being is only just slightly crazier than trying to get one up on myself, I do try to not waste too much time rationalising these bouts of self-control, but seing that recently I have felt that I have had little choice but to return my departure date back to its original 1st September, does some what kind of smack of Fate telling me that it is firmly in charge and I am just along for the ride - especially when it reminds me that I will be leaving with exactly the same amount of money either way, so I should just stop fighting for control and go with what comes naturally !

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