Tuesday 25 July 2006

Where to start


Where to start.

I almost want this to be a continuation of the countdown blog, as I have certainly reached ground zero this morning, but then im still in Sweden with a few more bits about there, so its a toss up.

First off, Swedes make the best drivers, as they are very road conscious, dont seem to speed, rarely use their horns and almost always make frequent stops in their journeys to let pedestrians cross whenever they safely can. Its a real nice change to see them caring about their fellow traveller.

I have also mastered the are of map reading, and i hereby will pass on the secret to you all - being noone, as noone is reading this, ha ha.
Keep the map folded small into sections where you are travelling, keep it out in your hand and refer to it constantly - glancing at it every corner or intersection.

You might this that this will take longer, but its the very opposite. Because you are on a small section of the map AND because you just glanced at it a few minutes ago, you wil have no trouble at all in knowing right where you are, from which direction you came in and which heading or intersection you need to take next.

And this become so second nature, that just a quick glance is all it takes, like that of getting the time from your wrist watch. You dont need to stop, you dont need to try and find where on a huge A3 map, you are zeroed right in on your position right away and its almost impossible to get lost using this technique.

The nighttime in Gothenburg didnt get any better. The nearest thai restaurant closed at 8pm.

Well this computer is about to restart and hard boot - so i guess I have to go now, sigh .... so much to say and so little time.

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